星期二, 11月 20, 2007
This is life!
Last day....
星期六, 11月 10, 2007
Bowling game

星期五, 11月 09, 2007
Treat your work as final work
星期三, 11月 07, 2007
When we dine together......
星期一, 11月 05, 2007
Snowboard & skiing contest in AT&T park
This is all of us.

星期日, 11月 04, 2007
Today's happy karaoke part 2
These were all of us.
星期六, 11月 03, 2007
Today's happy Karaoke

星期三, 10月 31, 2007
To my dear friend
星期一, 10月 29, 2007
Cook video 1
星期日, 10月 28, 2007
Naoto Fukasawa in connecting 07 (ARTICLE 1)
We met Naoto at connecting 07 in SF. He was one of major speakers. Most of his speech was about his work and why or how he think he want to do design like that.He tried to explain it to everybody. But time is short.
He was not most attractive speaker on the stage. But everyone is touched by his work. Although he is quite famous now.He still try his best to do good design.After speech, I want to talk with him and maybe ask him to sign for me on his book.I bought it last month, Sept..
I didn't see many people want to talk with him. I mean like us. We looks more like design fan than designer. It's fun.And why not? We went to his seat, we introduced ourselves and try to discuss questions with him.I didn't ask many questions ,like I always do. Actually I wrote several questions and tried to discuss with him before. But I didn't ask all of them. I tried to act more polite and gave him more respect.But I still asked him several questions.
First of all, I asked one of my biggest question now. I asked him that sometime, I feel tired. Because I did many design which I felt meaningless. I apply many style but just for appearance.
Before he answer we should know that Naoto is famous about doing minimal design which is full of Japanese culture inside.I asked this question was kind respect what he did and maybe he would agree with my point.It's a little bit tricky.If he agreed with my point which was very shallow, I would feel sad. I apologized that I asked this kind tricky question.
Naoto answered that question in a different way.I didn't recored every words he said precisely.I just want to express what he said to us.
He said we should build one ability that allow us express our idea precisely.Once we got good idea, but we don't have good sense of beauty or good forming ability, idea will disappear.Which is very pity.And he encouraged us that keep practicing and experience more.I shouldn't feel too rush of myself and take baby steps.One day, my switch will turn on.Then I can realize.
I felt that I'm relieved. And I know more about what I should do now.It's simple. Just keep walking.Recently, I just finished one presentation here. Of course I didn't do presentation like I always did.I only do design.And I felt desired that I want to change my design or execute process.People who know me closely will know that I do that all the time.It's kind normal to me.Because I feel boring easily. If I kept doing same thing.And I am lucky that the company which I stay provide me a Wacom tablet with touch screen. So I tried to apply it to my process.Even though I spent more time to finish it.And I am not satisfied what I did yet.But I do feel good.Because it's first time that I use that device and apply it in project. This is first story.
The second story is that I met many good designer here and they showed me many of their design and sketches.I felt that designer here is more concerned about sketches than Taiwan's designer.And I do see some good sketches were pasted all over the wall.So I can compare it.I felt that it is true.When you see many many sketches on the wall.The good one will reveal it automatically.I am not saying good sketch means good design.But good skill's sketch will be more outstanding and attractive.I think this is what Naoto said why we should sharp our skill.Many things are like strategy than a random behavior.
This one is also reflect to what Naoto answered about another question.
I heard people asked him that why he did supernormal.He use a metaphor to answer.Like a seesaw, when every designer on this world try to make stuff outstanding and aggressive.Naoto think he should do something different with others.So he chose another side which was minimal and normal.Maybe some people will think it is easy when they saw what Naoto did.Like Milan furniture exhibition last year what Naoto showed in there didn't get many echo. But for me. It is more difficult.Because it required more sense of beauty and more precise forming ability.It is not easy when you reduce stuff from your design.So I think if Naoto answered that question in east way(more philosophy thought), people here will not understand.But they can understand strategy. It's more easy for west sociality.It is interesting if we compared same question where he answered it in different place.We can discuss that later.
There were few other questions that I asked him.Maybe I can share it with my thought to you guys.Here is some of his presentation pictures. Enjoy it!
星期六, 10月 27, 2007
I left piece of my heart here...
星期二, 10月 23, 2007
What is grow up looks like ?
Why one person can has both possession and abandon?
Does this is a reality or just a dream?
No matter what it is? Right now I tasted bitter and sweet both at same time.
星期日, 10月 21, 2007
What is well prepare? In connecting 07....
星期六, 10月 13, 2007
what I learned from U.S. trip. Lesson 01
星期五, 9月 28, 2007
Tomorrow's dodgeball game.....
星期二, 9月 25, 2007
星期一, 9月 17, 2007
Lives in San Jose
星期一, 9月 03, 2007
Santa cruz

Sept 1 is Labor day. So it makes this weekend is a long weekend.
星期四, 8月 23, 2007
Thanks for Richard's sharing tonight
Jane had cook for us so many times.
So today we decided to let her take a rest...... And everyone prepared one dish of food.
I prepared Fried tomato with eggs, hot shrimps with wine and fish ball soup.
Each dish was first time I ever tried.... and I saw many many times of recipe...
Just like I do presentation before. I will rehearsal many times in my brain.
But I waited until 6.30 p.m.. It seemed nobody came home. I am so hungry.....
I had to wait otherwise food will not hot enough.
Finally, everyone came back then I can cook.... because I prepared every condiments before so I could do it in a short time.
It was really funny after you saw people do it before and now I do it same.
Just like first time I saw myself can draw something good.... It feels good.
After I served every food on the table and everyone started eating.
I took a rest and watch people eating just like Calvin would do after he served food to us.
I felt satisfied again.........^^
I really enjoy this kind of feeling. And starting understand why people said food could provide happiness to people.
I am not saying that I can cook. I started cooking since I came here.
But I can test similar feeling.....
They ate too fast that I forgot took photos today even Richard's share later.... It's pity.
Richard is a AAU's student and he study at industrial design master degree now.
Now he is a second years student.
I mentioned him before. He did a really good presentation today.
Everyone focused on him and felt interesting.
He shared with us until 11.00 clock.
I guessed everyone like his work during school.
But I saw other things. Such as personality.....
Every time I heard people talking about his own situation.
I cannot help that I will start to simulate myself to that situation.
I will think if it was me, what I would do at that moment or a period of time.
He learned design since before he applied AAU one year.
It means he learned design about 3~4 years.
But how long I had been design business?
4 years for college and 5 years for working. It's almost 10 years now....
How shamed am I? Really...... How shamed am I>....?
There are some thing I need to learn form this man and it's very important.
I shall not avoid anymore.... I need find my passion back.......
Yes it's passion............ How far you could go for LOVE? This is a Car-tier's new slogan.
How far I could do for design.......... for what I love... to do .. ?
Thank you again.. Richard ..... It's really nice to meet you at SF..
星期一, 8月 20, 2007
About squirrels...
星期五, 8月 17, 2007
星期四, 8月 16, 2007
Long time no see Downtown.
星期一, 8月 13, 2007
Yosemite trip
Test readmore
星期五, 8月 10, 2007
Home Sweet Home~~
星期二, 8月 07, 2007
De Young museum
Number one art work in my heart
Number two art work in my heart
Chair one
星期一, 8月 06, 2007

星期日, 8月 05, 2007
BBQ, Swim&night club at San Jose
星期一, 7月 30, 2007
First TDC report 2007 july
我是個基督徒,我相信我所作每件事,每天遇到的事,都不是偶然。那我來美國想必也非偶然,我生活中的事,突然全部結束,全部放下,就可以來這裡,這絕對不是偶然,就像官講的;我三十歲前,不存錢。我已經做了我的選擇了,既然來了就好好享受在這裡的時間。實在很不想再讓那些過去的事拖住我,就讓那些事過去吧!不要去想會有人幫你安排什麼, 或是會獲得什麼,在這裡也是和在台灣一樣的,只是過日子而已。
這次上課的短短兩天中,有一場課還讓我印象蠻深的,之所以比較深的關係,其實也是因為這是惟一一場,比較有互動的課。那是由兩位女性為我們上的課,她們是從事市場調查的公司。她們依照一本書裡面的內容,給我們執行類似workshop的活動。她們使用方法的名稱叫做Ideal Box,這個方法的目的是要測出她們的目標族群喜好,這個邏輯還蠻好玩的,既然我們無法準確的知道,消費者要什麼,那不如就請消費者做出她們想要的東西吧!基本上準備的東西都很簡單;一個盒子(任何尺寸都可以,主要是方便可以畫圖或寫字在上面)、幾隻不同顏色的麥克筆、一些可以裝飾盒子的色紙或彩帶。接下來就是要確認對象,當然不一定要設計師,基本上是你的目標族群就可以。給她們一個題目,譬如說你想要開發的產品,我們這次的題目是Alarm Clock,接者就請我們的目標族群,以這個盒子來當作Alarm Clock的包裝盒,設計出她們想要的Alarm Clock。設計中有幾件事情請她們注意,要描述出幾件事,第一;Feature、第二;Benefits、第三;Messaging、第四;Naming,時間限制在三十分鐘內,最後請各個小組來銷售她們的設計。很好玩的活動,雖然我們都是設計師,免不了對一些地方會想比較多,譬如說,色彩或造型等等,但是這個方法讓我不經想起一句很久以前聽到的話;設計師是消費者的守護者。我還記得我第一次去站在大一學生的講台上,她們問我我是怎麼做設計的,我說大多以自己的經驗為準,我所體驗的變成我的創意輸出來源。基本上,是這樣沒錯,可是,就以這個方法所帶給我的感受而言,我們其實必須具備很強烈的同理心,又能夠以超然的角色為消費者辯護。關於這點,我正在努力的學習者;而我們這組的結果呢?因為我們是剛抵達美國的設計師,離家的鄉愁雖未發作,對另一半的思念卻是強烈的很,所以我們設計了一個很簡單的鬧鐘,但是這個鬧鐘可以錄製聲音,每天早上你就可以被另一半的聲音喚醒,就像她在你的旁邊一樣。你還可以透過鬧鐘上面的另外一個指針,知道另一半世界的時間。很簡單的功能,可是卻是我現在最想要的,簡單回到真正想要這件事上,會發現要滿足人的基本需求真的很簡單。今天,已經太多是我們所製造不需要的慾望了。
星期六, 7月 28, 2007
Gilroy Garlic Festival
星期三, 7月 25, 2007
Pecha Kucha night at SF
I still remember the time when my friend imported PK night to Taiwan.
I said to them that it would be one of my wish this year to stand in front of PK night.
I missed one chance in Taiwan.
After I came to U.S.. I think it should be done here.
I join first PK night at June and started to prepare next time.
I was lucky to met Paul at Alberto's birthday party.
Paul is host of PK night at SF.
I said to him that I want to join PK night to present.
He was so nice and encouraged me to do that.
I signed up to Alberto that I would present at July.
Today was the day I presented.
There were many people there, and I felt nervous for sure.
If you asked me to mark me a score?
I would said 80.
Because I had been practice and done well.
After party, my roommate asked me why I look upset.
I said that during party time, I wanted to find somebody to chat.
But it looks a little bit different with my idea.
I thought there would be a chance to let people know who I am.
And maybe they will interest about me and come to ask me something.
But actually, they didn't. It looks so hard to get into their world.
My roommate said that I should live in reality instead of my day dream.
I think he was right and I should give myself a reward.
I saw twice of my video.
I really done well today.
Specially I used a second language to express myself.