I paid 495 dollars for student pass then I can join connecting 07 congress.
It is a really big design seminar which is host by IDSA.
It is held at different country every two years.
We were lucky that it was held at SF. So we decided no matter how expensive it is we need to be there personally.
I am so glad that I made this decision and I really enjoyed this event.
I met many many people at both seminar and after party even my college classmate Mike(Fat-Fat).
I brought he and Brian to after party.
I'd like to share it to all of you. Please allow my slow typing and let us discuss this topic first.
What is well prepare?
Let us think about it few seconds.........
Don't make your answer so quickly.
Let me tell you a story.
Before I went to this congress, my friend told me that I should prepare my portfolio.
I said same thing to one of my best friends here, Li-Wei.
I didn't do it, but he did.
A lots of people said well prepare means that you need prepare yourself at every moment.
I believe my friend did it.
At very first day of congress, we chose one interesting topic which is D.I.Y. design in Brazil.
The speaker didn't show up and the host ask maybe someone here who can explain Brazil design.
At same time Li-Wei raise his hand with confidence and said I can present my portfolio.
I had to be honestly that at same time I really felt embarrassed.
Then he run to speaker's platform.
Although many many people of that room was leaving.
But he still keep seven audience there and presented his work properly.
After that I feel pride of him.
He did a very good job and also gave us a very good lesson.
Which is what is well prepare and confidence.
No fear, just show yourself to this world.
Here is part of video that I recorded it at same time.
Please give him a big clap.
After everybody left, we went to platform and tried to pretend that we were invited by congress.
You know many people need to paid IDSA money to stand at this stage.
We can stand here for free. That's exciting.