Lunar design.....
we went to see it and the president John came to receive us.
Thanks Leo for that information,so I listen to it at very first and became a audience loyalty.
I really happy about to see him although he only prepare a ppt just like a routine.
But i still ask some question about sustain design which was last topic in podcast.
My question was that I guess if we can extend product life ,we might lose our job.
Ha, It is a trick question.
He said many stuff about how to extend product life such as design for disassembling or use material properly and finally he said it is always a conflict , I believe it.
My friend of mine know me that I always support sustain.
I just curious about people who support that ,specially product designer.
I still can remember one time ,I discuss that with one friend of mine who work for fashion industry.
Obviously,She don't like it.I am happy someone agree my point.

Friday is last course that we need to take at Zoe design.
Kelly will be our lecturer at forenoon.
Another Lecturer is a market research company.
Kelly prepared many stuff about product process and how to find a target market.
Really good and well prepared lecture.
But maybe sometime his English was so fast that I cannot follow him and missed a lot.
I still learn some thing.
Actually ,one thing.
I can remember what experience used told me how to sever our customer.
I learn how to satisfy customer instead of guide them to right direction.
Sometimes,I fulfill what customer want not people or my desire.
I feel pain and frustrated many times.
Today the lesson who kelly teach us.
I guess many stuff are important but most important to me is that find the true bull's eye.
It is market.
Although,I realize that some clint in Taiwan.
Market always means big buyer or channel and clint only listen to them.
And the only thing they need us is to build a different form for them.
Always a struggle like John used to said.
Afternoon,Steve was our lecturer.
The most interesting thing he shared with us is different point of view.
He showed us many ordinary photos.
But he see it through an extra-ordinary view and it showed different cultural inside.
It is interesting.
I asked him how he can see through this photos?
He said that is what he love to do and getting better and better.
I guess it is.
After class, I came to him and ask one more question.
Steve used to be a one man company.
He just hired an employee.
And sometimes,his clients are big brand.
I am curios about did his client will judge him through his office and how many people
at his company?
He mentioned one time there is one client who came from Japan want to see his office.
But he work at home. ha ha
The result was good of course.
Most of his client will not care about how big his company is?Steve said.
Oh~I love this country.