Today is Wed and it's our snack dinner again.
Jane had cook for us so many times.
So today we decided to let her take a rest...... And everyone prepared one dish of food.
I prepared Fried tomato with eggs, hot shrimps with wine and fish ball soup.
Each dish was first time I ever tried.... and I saw many many times of recipe...
Just like I do presentation before. I will rehearsal many times in my brain.
But I waited until 6.30 p.m.. It seemed nobody came home. I am so hungry.....
I had to wait otherwise food will not hot enough.
Finally, everyone came back then I can cook.... because I prepared every condiments before so I could do it in a short time.
It was really funny after you saw people do it before and now I do it same.
Just like first time I saw myself can draw something good.... It feels good.
After I served every food on the table and everyone started eating.
I took a rest and watch people eating just like Calvin would do after he served food to us.
I felt satisfied again.........^^
I really enjoy this kind of feeling. And starting understand why people said food could provide happiness to people.
I am not saying that I can cook. I started cooking since I came here.
But I can test similar feeling.....
They ate too fast that I forgot took photos today even Richard's share later.... It's pity.
Richard is a AAU's student and he study at industrial design master degree now.
Now he is a second years student.
I mentioned him before. He did a really good presentation today.
Everyone focused on him and felt interesting.
He shared with us until 11.00 clock.
I guessed everyone like his work during school.
But I saw other things. Such as personality.....
Every time I heard people talking about his own situation.
I cannot help that I will start to simulate myself to that situation.
I will think if it was me, what I would do at that moment or a period of time.
He learned design since before he applied AAU one year.
It means he learned design about 3~4 years.
But how long I had been design business?
4 years for college and 5 years for working. It's almost 10 years now....
How shamed am I? Really...... How shamed am I>....?
There are some thing I need to learn form this man and it's very important.
I shall not avoid anymore.... I need find my passion back.......
Yes it's passion............ How far you could go for LOVE? This is a Car-tier's new slogan.
How far I could do for design.......... for what I love... to do .. ?
Thank you again.. Richard ..... It's really nice to meet you at SF..
星期四, 8月 23, 2007
星期一, 8月 20, 2007
About squirrels...
Recently, the weather is good everyday in SF.

Can you give me some food?

I'm so happy with my walnut.

It almost everyday is sunny.
So one day I took a little walk to Golden Gap Park.
It is very close which I live.
If you took bike, it would spend you 5~10 minutes to get there.
But I prefer walking to there.
I came here many times.
So after I arrived there, I took another path that I don't usually take.
It is a narrow winding trail.
I so like there. You can avoid the main road's noise and see many squirrels.
Actually in SF, you can see squirrels at many place or trees.
But this is first time, I am so close to them.
Basically, they jumped around me all the time.
Like saying that can you give me some food?
But they seemed that they can tell you had food or not in a short time.
Luckily, I met an old couple who were feeding them.
And I ask them can I take photos of squirrels?
They agreed happily. Even more, they shared me some walnut.
Squirrels were a very smart and brave animals.
Actually, they don't afraid of me at all.
You can see them holding your hand and ask for more and more.
And they have teeth and claw.
It hurts...... T_T......
It was an interesting experience with squirrels at Golden Gap Park.
People said sometimes you may see raccoons at Golden Gap Park.
But even though whey look so cute. They are mean. Easy get angry...
If I saw them, I'd be better keep away from them.
haha..... I'd expect that....
星期五, 8月 17, 2007
星期四, 8月 16, 2007
Long time no see Downtown.
It has been 1 month I didn't go to downtown SF since I left ZOE.
Today I went out and met WangHua at Mogemary.
WangHua is AAU student and Michael introduced him to me.
I am glad that I had chance to know him.
We had lunch at Japanese restaurant.
He brought me to see his school.
I saw many good graphic design. But due to product design's building is not there, so I didn't see it. He told me a lots of what he learned from AAU.
Mostly, he learned from his classmate and other subject more than product design.
I am so admire that he had chance to do that and most important thing is he has passion.
I can tell he learn design happily.
That's most important thing.
I hope that I can learn this from him instead of my emotional temper now.
Thank you, Michael that you introduce him to me.
星期一, 8月 13, 2007
Yosemite trip
I had heard Yosemite many times.
After I came to U.S., I keep hearing people talking about it.
Finally, I got a chance to go there and luckily friends will take me to there.
Thanks for Danny and John. Specially thanks to Danny's uncle and aunt to let us stay at their house.
Yosemite is so beautiful even though it is during dry season.
We didn't see the beautiful Yosemite waterfall.
But we still saw a lots of beautiful rocks, tree and animals(included human).
They said that during ice age. It brought a lots of rocks down here.
So we can see many many special rocks here.
And many animals live here too, specially squirrels.
We saw squirrels many times and they don't afraid of human.
After Yosemite, we went to Merced and we stayed at Danny uncle's house.
The house is beautiful and Danny's uncle and aunt are so nice.
They have a swimming pool in their house and we go swimming of course.
What kind of people you met on your trip and how you interact with them.
Every people make you feel different.
And I am really lucky that i met a lots of good friends at CA which make me feel this place like home.
Thank you God for preparing this for me.
Test readmore
this is an article to test blog readmore function.
Plz don't response it.
test! test! test!
星期五, 8月 10, 2007
好了,騎過橋後,心裡想者,應該可以了吧!我已經達到不可能的目標了ㄝ!突然,看見一個指標,Sausalito 1 mile........... ,阿勒~真的嗎?現在回去不就工虧一匱,繼續上路吧!路是一路滑到底,我的心也就涼到了底,有需要落差這麼多嗎?你老師,這台沒避震的假登山車,還是我偷騎出來的,我騎得回去嗎?不管了。一路滑到Sausalito的市區。這裡我來過了,所以其實就隨便走走看看,學人家躲在陽光底下,裝悠哉~今天禮拜五特別早下班,所以,來這裡曬曬太陽。好像這樣的心情一樣。還是,我家其實就在山坡上拉,隨便騎下來,看看有什麼好玩的?別在做夢了。忽然看見一堆人,特別是Biker在排隊,哇勒!~是不是有贈品,就跑去問人家,原來是要做渡輪去魚人碼頭喔!厚厚~!叫我在去魚人碼頭,那我不是離家越來越遠嗎?難道我要過夜阿?明天還要去優勝美地勒!可是心裡有個聲音一直說,Why not? Why not? 好吧!學人家排起隊啦!就給他坐渡輪到了漁人碼頭。漁人碼頭我也有來過,所以路還知道,就往南一直騎就對了,沿者F line的路線,一直往市區方向走。看到了Bat Bridge,路上遇到人家一直尖叫,瑞奇小子,瑞奇馬丁~I Love you~丁你老師拉!我是大頭火龍,新品種,沒見過喔!死龐克妹~。一直騎到Powell,心裡的期望終於落空,真的,MUNI真的沒開放給腳踏車用戶,哇勒~那我怎麼回家,天快黑了ㄝ,好像依稀記得Sasa說過,可以直接搭公車到我們家山頂,所以跑去找地圖,發現真的有ㄝ!後來讓整公車的人等我把腳踏車裝好,結果小義大利司機看不下去,來幫我裝,我心裡一直想者,吉哥遇過司機和他說的;少年仔,頭一拜喔!~結果沒有。從滿滿的人坐到剩我一個,天空已經泛起淺淺的魚肚白了,和小意Say goodbye後,扛起假登山車,直奔下山。終於喊出;Home, Sweet Home........
Home Sweet Home~~
Today, I rod bicycle to the west of bay area. It is an ocean. People call the place where I lived sunset area. At my hometown, ocean means east. That's why I can only see sunrise instead of sunset. I who came from east but now I fly to west to learn design. I saw surfer on the ocean. Wave here was quite small which is like Taiwan. But it still had a lots of different, such as windy weather and cold water. The water is so cold that you have to wear cold prevented suit. Sitting beside beach, and thinking. What kind of life I want to choose? Maybe I can buy or rent a house nearby ocean and buy a car which can put my surfboard. I go surfing after work or take my fish rod to go fishing. It sounds great. What kind of life or person I want to be?
星期二, 8月 07, 2007
De Young museum
Today, I went to De Young museum at Golden Gap park.
I heard this place that they said it would kill your camera(you will run out off your film).
After I took bus and I spent 20 minutes to get down there.
It is a beautiful park and it is a beautiful architect.
I feel I am so happy.
Recently, I think people who can live here is so happiness.
Although I still miss where I came from.
There were several exhibitions that we can see today.
Actually, there were so many exhibitions in this building more then MOMASF.
But there were only two floor and one basement, so you don't need to climb too many floor.
I saw many Africa and Maya culture art works.
It looks so real and fake. I don't know. Like some thing you should see at an Africa's native home, or a deco on a chieftain's head.
But I can see it in front of me.
It's a really nice museum and I'd like to go to there again.
Next time, I will ride bicycle to there. Ha Ha.......
Number one art work in my heart
Number two art work in my heart
Chair one
星期一, 8月 06, 2007

星期日, 8月 05, 2007
BBQ, Swim&night club at San Jose
Live here is so good that I am afraid I cannot get used to Taiwan anymore.
No more over time working, sun light, good weather and countless events make me feel live in a dream word.
Is it my America dream?
We went to Fred's house at SJ and he BBQ for us.
There was a swimming pool and we had a lots of fun there.
Thanks for Fred. He prepared so many food.
I like the days we spent here, California.
After BBQ party, we went back to SJ people's apartment.
We went to night club at SJ which is called LOFT.
Actually, for me, it was a little bit boring.
I think music is one of the most important elements at night club.
This LOFT club's music is not so good.
Basically, it was an experience.
Sunday, we stay at the apartment all day.
Thank for Jane and Shi-Fen cooked for our branch.
I like the sausage fried rice very mush.
Afternoon, we took Cal-train and back to SF.
Louis came to our apartment to stay two nights.
He is more younger then us but he had a lots of social experience.
He is also a food lover.
We reheat food which we brought back from Calvin's house.
And Louis cooked same fried rice for us.
This weekend is so good. I feel happy. Thank God.
You always treat me very nice.
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