星期一, 7月 30, 2007

First TDC report 2007 july

     拖了第一次的報告,遲遲未交,不單單是因為太忙而沒時間去寫,其實我從來不相信自己的這種理由,因為寫文章這種事,我自己很明白,可以是個一小時內就完成的工作,那我一整天抽不出一個小時,來寫篇心得嗎?昨天晚上,我完成了在這裡第一個想要做的事,我站在Pecha Kucha Night的台上,和大家分享我工作五年來的部份作品,我花了多久的時間準備呢?花了一天整理版面,花了一天校正講稿,實際工作天數是兩天,可是其實這件事,可是我今年年初就立下的心願呢!有那麼嚴重嗎?我朋友引進PK Night到台灣的那個時候,我就和他們說;我會上台的。這件事足足拖了我半年多。雖然上台發表,對我過去可能是家常便飯,可是,面對自己的時候就那麼沈重。


      我是個基督徒,我相信我所作每件事,每天遇到的事,都不是偶然。那我來美國想必也非偶然,我生活中的事,突然全部結束,全部放下,就可以來這裡,這絕對不是偶然,就像官講的;我三十歲前,不存錢。我已經做了我的選擇了,既然來了就好好享受在這裡的時間。實在很不想再讓那些過去的事拖住我,就讓那些事過去吧!不要去想會有人幫你安排什麼, 或是會獲得什麼,在這裡也是和在台灣一樣的,只是過日子而已。


這次上課的短短兩天中,有一場課還讓我印象蠻深的,之所以比較深的關係,其實也是因為這是惟一一場,比較有互動的課。那是由兩位女性為我們上的課,她們是從事市場調查的公司。她們依照一本書裡面的內容,給我們執行類似workshop的活動。她們使用方法的名稱叫做Ideal Box,這個方法的目的是要測出她們的目標族群喜好,這個邏輯還蠻好玩的,既然我們無法準確的知道,消費者要什麼,那不如就請消費者做出她們想要的東西吧!基本上準備的東西都很簡單;一個盒子(任何尺寸都可以,主要是方便可以畫圖或寫字在上面)、幾隻不同顏色的麥克筆、一些可以裝飾盒子的色紙或彩帶。接下來就是要確認對象,當然不一定要設計師,基本上是你的目標族群就可以。給她們一個題目,譬如說你想要開發的產品,我們這次的題目是Alarm Clock,接者就請我們的目標族群,以這個盒子來當作Alarm Clock的包裝盒,設計出她們想要的Alarm Clock。設計中有幾件事情請她們注意,要描述出幾件事,第一;Feature、第二;Benefits、第三;Messaging、第四;Naming,時間限制在三十分鐘內,最後請各個小組來銷售她們的設計。很好玩的活動,雖然我們都是設計師,免不了對一些地方會想比較多,譬如說,色彩或造型等等,但是這個方法讓我不經想起一句很久以前聽到的話;設計師是消費者的守護者。我還記得我第一次去站在大一學生的講台上,她們問我我是怎麼做設計的,我說大多以自己的經驗為準,我所體驗的變成我的創意輸出來源。基本上,是這樣沒錯,可是,就以這個方法所帶給我的感受而言,我們其實必須具備很強烈的同理心,又能夠以超然的角色為消費者辯護。關於這點,我正在努力的學習者;而我們這組的結果呢?因為我們是剛抵達美國的設計師,離家的鄉愁雖未發作,對另一半的思念卻是強烈的很,所以我們設計了一個很簡單的鬧鐘,但是這個鬧鐘可以錄製聲音,每天早上你就可以被另一半的聲音喚醒,就像她在你的旁邊一樣。你還可以透過鬧鐘上面的另外一個指針,知道另一半世界的時間。很簡單的功能,可是卻是我現在最想要的,簡單回到真正想要這件事上,會發現要滿足人的基本需求真的很簡單。今天,已經太多是我們所製造不需要的慾望了。

星期六, 7月 28, 2007

Gilroy Garlic Festival

Today is Sat and we went to Gilroy Garlic Festival.
They said that it will be interesting. Because there are many food that all made by garlic.
I am so happy about it. You know that staying here, It's so happy to try something that you never been through before.
There were garlic fries, ice cream, corn, sausage, etc..
There were only one problem. The weather was too hot.
I remember when we left sunset, it's 54 degree. And when we arrived Gilroy, it was 95 degree.
And when we left Gilroy, it was 104 degree.
It's so hot that we saw many people overheat.
It's good because they supplied cold water for free.
It takes 12 dollars to enter.
We almost try everything that we were too full and missed corn.
It's interesting to me as I stood there.
I was thinking that why there was a place so famous about garlic and they can do a festival for it.
After that we went to Gilroy outlet for shopping.
I felt that now I could hold down to buy everything.
After that we went to Costco and bought some steaks.
I cannot wait to eat it.
Today was good and experience more about America. 

星期三, 7月 25, 2007

Pecha Kucha night at SF

This was one of my wish when the beginning of this year.
I still remember the time when my friend imported PK night to Taiwan.
I said to them that it would be one of my wish this year to stand in front of PK night.
I missed one chance in Taiwan.
After I came to U.S.. I think it should be done here.
I join first PK night at June and started to prepare next time.
I was lucky to met Paul at Alberto's birthday party.
Paul is host of PK night at SF.
I said to him that I want to join PK night to present.
He was so nice and encouraged me to do that.
I signed up to Alberto that I would present at July.
Today was the day I presented.
There were many people there, and I felt nervous for sure.
If you asked me to mark me a score?
I would said 80.
Because I had been practice and done well.
After party, my roommate asked me why I look upset.
I said that during party time, I wanted to find somebody to chat.
But it looks a little bit different with my idea.
I thought there would be a chance to let people know who I am.
And maybe they will interest about me and come to ask me something.
But actually, they didn't. It looks so hard to get into their world.
My roommate said that I should live in reality instead of my day dream.
I think he was right and I should give myself a reward.
I saw twice of my video.
I really done well today.
Specially I used a second language to express myself.

星期日, 7月 22, 2007

Lucasart studio and Palace of fine art

Last friday......We went to visit Lucasart Studio and Palace of fine art.
I am sorry that too many stuff happened everyday that I cannot updated my blog on time.
But maybe it's good thing because that I tried my best to enjoy every second.
Ok..... Talking about Lucasart Studio . 
It's a very famous company was builded by Starwars' director Geoge Lucas.
There were three company which were included in this studio, Lucas film, Games and light&magic.
Thanks for Chin Ko for hosting this tour and Angus for sharing us this trip.
Due to Chin is a concept artist.We saw many amusing paintings and sculptures.
And we also took a picture with master Youda's sculpture.
In Games place, they always keep light dark and everyone got many cool toys.
About light & magic, because they do movies special effects.
Every movies they joined, they will post a poster on the wall.
And that poster were so many that you cannot believe that so many movies made by special effects.
It was pity that we cannot go into their office to say hi, but I feel satisfied.
After this tour, we went to Palace of fine art, just around the corner.
It was so nice that you can see movie use it for scene(The Rock).
I took some pictures that hope you can enjoy it.

Design party at airport SF

Friday was a very good day.
We took one day off to visit Lucasart studio.
And Thursday we went to join a party at airport museum SF.
It was a small presentation party which held in Aviation museum.
There were several famous design company were invited to present.
Such as Lunar, fuse project, whipsaw, Ideo, smart design etc..
At first, I thought that it was a party and if your company didn't be invited, you may not allow to join.
But thanks for Shifen, told me that I can join it.
So be it, I went to airport with some of my roommate.
During party time, I saw Hiro stood there, but I was shame to introduce myself.
So I didn't come to say hello.
But He remember me and ask Shifen to call me.
He was a so nice elder and I am so jealous at Shifen who can stay in his company.
I videoed some presentation and I will put one of it to blog.
Hope you can enjoy it.

星期三, 7月 18, 2007

Change the world

"we can change the world with one random act of kindness at a time."
It was Evan Almighty's dialogue.
Actually, I felt uncomfortable recently.
I caught a flu and headache. It also came with bad mood.
I don't know which one first but I do felt uncomfortable.
I remembered this dialogue"we can change the world with one random act of kindness at a time".
The movie may talk about Environment issue.
But It also helped me turned my sight to others, instead of myself.
I do my best to do that.
Today, I saw a woman who always sat at same place to sell her own made product.
I didn't buy anything.
All I did was that pray for her.
I hope that I can do more tomorrow.
Helping others to make yourself feel better.
Does that selfish? 
I don't know. Please don't judge me. I am one normal and emotional guy.

星期日, 7月 15, 2007

Last night in L.A. but not least.

Today is last night we stay in L.A. 
It is last but it is least.
We spent time to enjoy leisure time.
We ate lunch at farmer's market.
Farmer's market in U.S. is like a Fruit & vegetable market in Taiwan.
But there are many kinds of them.
We went to a farmer's market in L.A., it is modern farmer's market which is for tourist.
There was a food court in there and we went there for lunch and took a look. 
When I stayed inside, I felt like I stayed in BKK's Lupini or Mochi.
Not only variety foods that you can find in there but many kinds of cute, funny products in there.

This message was left until now.
Today is July 18, I had been SF 3 days.
LA's trip was a great experience.
1. I start feeling that how big America is?
2. I experienced Taiwanese passion. And felt no place like home.
3. I wish I can stay longer.
I wish I can say something smart, but I cannot.
Life is good here, but you need people to share with you.
Then you could be complete..... Yes, I miss my girl. 

星期六, 7月 14, 2007

And the element is ?

Stay in U.S. I didn't spent many time to think about design.
All I do is trying to live in this moment.
I watch my friend cook cake or any kind of food.
I travel to other place to see how people live there.
Recently, I start trying to do some video cutting.
And yesterday I saw Universal Studio.
This experience let me feel something different.
It is queer. I am not thinking about design stuff but I have learned something familiar.
Like cooking, you need to management what kind of food that you need put and which one first.
How many you need to put in there?
Scenes that I saw at Universal Studio, it was familiar just like cooking or jut like design.
Everything is about element, balance and beauty(or you can said what kind of feeling that you want to express). I like it.
Yes, the life here, I like it very much.

星期五, 7月 13, 2007

Black thirteen friday....

Today it is black thirteen friday and we were planing to Universal Studio.
I am so happy.It is my first time to U.S. and of cause it is my first day to Universal Studio.
They said  it is similar with Chinese culture & movie center(CMPC Studio).
But I don't think so.....
We spent 1 hour driven to there and saw famous L.A.'s traffic jam.
We were lucky because traffic jam was stay at opposite lane.
In L.A. you go to every place cannot without car.
Just like Jane said in U.S. : There is no leg if you had no car.
Thanks Calvin and Karen again.
Finally we saw sign which is wrote Hollywood and we also saw famous sign on the mountain.
It was pity that I lost chance to photo it.
When we arrived at it. We were lucky that it was not so many people in there.
It means we don't need to on line for long time.
We went to film tour directly. Thanks for experience Guru told us to there.
Because it was so amazing that you cannot lose it.
People said if you didn't see this, you missed whole thing. 
We saw many actually film place that we saw on movies or TV shows such as Kin-Kon or shark.
It was really cool that you saw disaster scene  could be re-happened again and again.
I saw car explored and fly to the sky then fly back. 
Earthquake scene, subway car crashed into station etc. it could be re-fix. It's really amusing me.
I saw airplane crashed and broken.
It was builded by real 747 airplane. The scene shock me a lot.
They said universal Studio is not cool as we look at movies.
I agree with it but you can still see some raw stuff in there.
In fact, I pretty like it.
I always like conflict.
Compare with movies we saw after.
The scene can give me more ideas.
One day is not enough.
We play and see many stuff but it still missed many of them.
But that's ok.
It makes me expect next time. 

星期四, 7月 12, 2007

Now I know why LA boys said Taiwanese

Today I went to LA with my friends.
It almost took us 7 hours to get here. I'd like to thank Jinko who letting us stay at his sister's house.
It was very beautiful as we drove down to L.A..
You can see desert all the time and it was very large and beautiful.
Now I know what is that huge means beautiful.
Jinko's family was so nice to us. The house is so big ,it has 20 foot ceilings.
I am staying in his nephew's room. It is really big, you can fit two king size beds in there side by side.
People who live in this house must be real happy.
Jinko's family speaks Taiwanese and I feel just like I am in Taiwan.
Did you still remember the L.A. boys?
They speak really good Taiwanese that make us feel good.
It is very funny when you are thousands of miles away from your own hometown and you hear you familiar language.
Strange but nice......

I am so happy and I'd like to thank Calvin and Karen......

Today I really had fun and tomorrow we will go to Universal Studio.
I am so....happy now.
I can't wait to go......

I will report back you guys tomorrow....

The secret that cannot be said...

Today I saw Jay's new music video/....
It touched my heard.....
Today foreigner coworker all went to presentation.
A wang went home early for setting alarm code.....
There only left me and connie....
We took some chatting....
She encourage me to express myself more at office.....
It touched me also.....

The video of Jay was talking about high school love story and I started thinking about my high school love story..... 
There were few girls there in my mind.... Each one had different story some don't even start, comes an end.....
Mostly reason of why was that I afraid of getting harm.....
How cowardly I am.
I still make same mistake now.. Even now, after so many years ago.
I am not talking about love. I am talking about courage of taste life itself.
If I let myself down, same story will happened again and I will regret it.
Just do it.... 

星期日, 7月 08, 2007

Crab and fish day

Today we went to Golden gap bridge to catch some crabs and fish.
It's really wendy and cold there. Thanks for Calvin's coat that I can stand there without shaking.
We use professional way to catch crab. We put fish in the middle cage of big net. And tied it beside the pier.We caught almost 15 crabs. And several fishes.It funny because one of our fishing rod caught two fishes at sometime. But they were giving birth. Calvin said it's fish's mother intuition. Because she had been caught so she given birth as soon as possible.I think she is great and we let all small fishes go back. That's first time that I saw a fish giving birth and small fish come out directly(like human being or whale). What happen about fishing? I didn't catch any fish at all but I stack all the time. Jane caught many,she was fish queen today.ha ha....
Today's Sunset at golden gap bridge was so beautiful. Although it was cold and windy ,But it was worthy. We steam crabs and fish. It tasted really fresh and good. I like it. Hope I can do that again............. 

星期三, 7月 04, 2007

July 4 Seeing fireworks at sunset' mountain

Today is a United State's holiday. Independents day.
We went to Kevin's house for B.B.Q..I went there at noon and we started cooking rice noodle.
I help Kevin for cutting cooking materials. It's a basic job but I need to learn and practice a lot.
Kevin added something like sauce and made it tasted different.He had so many secret recipe and thing that I needed learn form him are too many.  
After that we started to preheat the BBQ stove. Kevin show me how to use  charcoal and how to fire up. It's very interesting because they put a  smaller , round stove in the middle of BBQ stove.
And under it,Kevin  put many paper to helping fire up. It's look like chimney effect and fire up in a short time. Today happened a lots of thing that made me really understand what is America lifestyle. Not only BBQ but for many other stuff.I really enjoy it. But Angus was so nice that he said thank you for your hard working today,I feel happy.I think always appreciate others work is an important thing. 
Kevin has a neighbor who own a company to sale sea food to Japan. Including sea urchin. He brought a whole box sea urchin which still alive in there. Kevin showed me how to kill and clean sea urchin.It look terrible to me but I still want to try it. So after he showed me one or two,I opened whole box of sea urchin.Ha ha..... It's a very good experience for me. Same thing happened again , We eat a lot and drink a lot. Kevin and Karen are really like sharing with people.Oh,seven of us all came to their house. And Karen discussed the cosmetics to us,hope that it can be done in a very good way. And hope that all of us can help Karen a lot,me specially. I am so glad that God lead me here and let me met Kevin's family. Because them,my life here are more colorful and happier. Thank you God. Thank you, Kevin and Karen.   
      After 9 clock we went to mountain to see fireworks.I have to say that it's a really boring fireworks. Not only small and all look familiar,but lack of varied. Although the full moon here is more bigger than where we came from. But it's not everything here are so good. Except that,other things here are mostly good. ha ha........

Prepared food for BBQ day

Today was crazy.

Me,Jane and Sasha went to Kevin's house for helping prepare food for tomorrow.

But now what I had got?4 kinds of alcohol drink,2 kinds of cake,potato salad and many kinds of BBQ food for tomorrow.

I am really full now and drunk.I'm happy.

I want to say many thing.

maybe tomorrow,see you guys la. 

星期日, 7月 01, 2007

Napa trip

Today,there was too many funny things happened.
It was so hard to discarded everything. Not mentioned the softball we play at San jose yesterday.
After church this morning,me,Jane&Sasha toke Kevin&Keren's car to Napa opus winery and paid 25 dollars to test red wine.It was an really good wine that I had ever tested before. Sorry for my poor English,I don't know how to described it.It test like tender smooth feel and last a very long smell in your mouth which means very good.
After that Kevin and keren treated us a lunch which was also very big and good.
The winery was very beautiful and maybe too beautiful that they said looked like an America style tomb there. And you could smell a fertilizer outside.I guessed they wanted people think they plant grapes organically.Napa had a good weather and we took lots of picture there.
On the road to Napa,Sasha sang a song that she made before which was very well.I like it. Hope that I can learn more and help her record her Demo tape or CD.Maybe one day she will be very famous singer or a song writer.
After winery and lunch,we went to Napa outlet to took a look.
So many good store there and I just bought a leather jacket at San jose.So I tried to behave myself. Tried very hard. specially,there had ck.
Jane bought several stuff and finally I didn't buy anything.
After arrived Kevin's house,and little chatting about fish ,camping,etc. stuff,Kevin brought us to his backyard to picked some strawberry ,blueberry and introduced us many other kinds of plants. Kevin really has a green fingers.
After that Kevin prepared to cook and today's main meal was steak. ha ha....
Actually, Kevin has a cook license which means he is a very qualified and excellent cook.
So .....I can tell you that's the most fabulous steak that I ever ate before.... It's really awesome.
Midden rare....you can test outside just a little bit scorched and inside ...wo really tender and soft. And the sauce which contained mushroom was also very very good.
Kevin open an 1948's wine for us.
A good wine and excellent steak which means "perfect life"...........I'd love it.
After steak,of course it comes desert.
Desert was made by Jane and Sasha and who was teacher?Of course was Kevin.
It was also an very good cake too.
We brought some back to house and shared with others.
Everyone love it!!
This weekend was full of fun and substance.
This Wednesday was July 4,an international holiday(Independence day).
We will go to kevin's house for B.B.Q..      
Let's expect it ba.........
Oh.....by the way,after ate desert, we also sang a karaoke.
And Jane had a very good voice... Let's enjoy it ba......  

Alberto's birthday party

After San Jose's softball game.We went to an outlet to take a look.
And I got an excellent leather jacket which was cost 54.13 dollars. It's awesome.
After all this event,I took a nap and got ready for tonight's Alberto's birthday party.   
Special thanks for Sasha's introduce,then me Sasha and Jane went to join it.
Alberto's apartment was located at downtown which was very close to Zoe.
We took 30(Bus) to there.
At there,I met many interesting person.
Like Mat and Rob,they were twins. And both of them were product designer.
Mat work for fuseproject and Rob work for Lunar. Both of them are work for awesome company.
Specially Mat,this was first time I met fuseproject's designer.
Ouch!! I love their stuff.
And Doto too, he work for Lunar,he was an interesting man.
At pecha Kucha night which we went to last Wednesday , Doto shared something about his point of view.
His photos,I like it a lot. Specially the picture which people put banana beside the drink area in Supermarket.
And Wenson and his girl(sorry I forgot her name),Wenson been to Taiwan several times and also a second generation of Taiwanese who stay in U.S.A..
His girlfriend came from the small town near by Osaka who also was a very nice person.
And Francois's coworker who work for Lunar and study at Stanford,I'm sorry that I still don't know how to pronounce your name,maybe next time I must learn how.
After all, Alberto your house is very good,and I really enjoy your birthday party,thank you for your kind treatment. 
And other guys and girls,you were also very nice,thanks for your kindly response,specially for my poor English,thanks for your patience.
By the way,today I also went to see the iphone,held on my hand.
Wooooo!!I like it and it's really slim and awesome.

Hey!! people who check my blog.
Leave some message for me ba......I'd love to receive it.
And enjoy life ba.